Wednesday 20 March 2013

English Horse


I have managed to finish a brigade (2 regiments) of English horse to lead the fight against the hordes of French chivalry. The figures are, as usual, from the superb Warfare Miniatures range. The regiments represented are the 1st (Royal) and 5th (Cadogen's). The flags are by Adolfo Ramos.

As soon as I can sort out my table and put the finishing touches to the last few terrain boards, I will post a few pics of what I have been up to. So far just the boards, which I am quite pleased with and a few trees and hedges. I have also started work on a new range of larger and more complex "urban" buildings. These will be much more substantial structures representing more densely built up areas, rather than the more rural farm and village models I have done so far. Some of the buildings are based on those in 1944 Villers Bocage.


  1. Very well painted and finished. I am also really interested in your terrain project. I made textured terrain boards similar to yours and have used them for about 20 years. My paint, sawdust, sand mixture is absolutely bullet proof but I am always interested in seeing other's texture 'recipes'. More recently I have started with a base of textured ceiling paint, tinted with paint and roughed up with more sawdust and sand. My boards are generally flat but I want to make more with built in features -- what kind of rack are you going to build? Cheers, Chris

    1. Hi Chris. I used to use this method but found it difficult to get an even finish. What I do is seal the boards, front, back and edges with 2 coats of paint and after sculpting any features simply paint with PVA glue and sprinkle sieved sharp sand on it and finally paint. Fairly simple really. Storage is the boards stacked flat at one end of my table - very high tech!!

  2. Fantastic! Great looking unit, love the colors!
