Wednesday 24 September 2014



Yes, it has been a long, long time!! No excuses. Although I haven't updated my blog for ages, I have been far from idle. It is very pleasing to see that despite my absence from the blogosphere, many of you have kept returning to read my previous posts, which only makes me feel even more guilty!!

I have been pretty busy painting and modelling for customers, but I have also managed to grow my own collections quite a bit over the intervening months. I have also been slowly building up my terrain, replacing much of my older stuff. Over the next few weeks and months, I will post details of what I have been up to. In this post however, I would like to take a quick look at the latest supplement for Black Powder: Rebellion!, which covers the AWI.

The book weighs in at a hefty 148 pages and is profusely illustrated throughout with glorious wargames porn. Following a brief but informative background to the war - very useful for someone like me who is interested in the period, but doesn't know much - there is comprehensive coverage of the various armies. Uniforms, organisation, weapons and tactics are all dealt with in a detailed but non rivet-counting way. The real meat of the book and taking well over half of it are the scenarios - 19 in total. These cover everything from small skirmishes such as Gloucester Point to huge (by the standard of the war) battles like Germantown. Each scenario is accompanied by a map, full orders of battle and all the information needed to play the game. A very useful feature are the extra rules and interpretations of the Black Powder "toolkit" to give extra period flavour.

As someone who is slowly building up an AWI collection, this book is a valuable addition to my library and I would heartily recommend it. The author; Stephen Jones also has his own, very enjoyable, blog: Steve's Paintingshed - well worth a look.

Future posts will look at my re-vamped Grand Alliance armies, which have grown considerably over the last few months, as well as my many other ongoing projects. Hopefully I will be posting again soon!!