Monday 8 April 2024

A Hessian Brigade

German troops of course formed a considerable proportion of the armies fighting for the crown. The most well known were the Hessians - a term often used to describe all German troops, whichever state they came from. Below are a couple of shots of the Leib regiment, one of the crack units sent to North America. This particular battalion has 32 figures (quite strong by Live Free or Die standards), made up of Perry figures. The flags are hand painted by Mark Allen. I particularly like the colour combination on these!

 The 2nd Regiment is von Bose, which fought well at Guildford Courthouse amongst other battles. Also Perry figures with Mark Allen flags.

And here is the brigade covered by a screen of jagers.

I am just putting the finishing touches to a battalion of combined grenadiers (and I may even add a second battalion in due course).