Friday 6 September 2024

More Continental Regiments


Over the last year or so I have managed to make a fair amount of progress with my American army for AWI. From only a couple of Maryland Continental regiments, the collection has grown considerably. Here are the newcomers:

First up is Hall's Delaware regiment, one of the army's elite units.

Below is my New York brigade, 5th Regiment in front, with the 3rd moving up in the rear.

Next is the 8th New Hampshire.

Followed by the Pennsylvania brigade, 7th Regiment in the first line and the 1st in support.

The last one is a composite unit of  light infantry, made up of 8 bases with three basic uniform colour variations (blue, grey and brown), with the odd hunting shirt thrown in. From what I can see, the unit (under Dearborn)was simply put together during the Saratoga campaign from companies detached from their parent units, retaining their own uniforms. Unlike the other regiments, these are in firing line poses.

The fences are homemade, the mansion is by Oshiro Models - a lovely piece.

Sorry for the long delay in posting - have been working overtime for quite a while now to finish painting commissions before retiring - which I have now done!! After a well deserved holiday, I hope to give this blog much more attention than I have been able to up to now. With only myself to paint for, I should be able to really crack on with existing and new projects and share them here - something I am very much looking forward to doing.