Following on from the Americans that featured last time are some more British. First up is a generic Loyalist unit in a mix of red jackets and civilian dress. One of the things I like about this period is the ability to mix and match costume within a unit, particularly for the Americans - this unit is fairly well provided for but still a bit ragged.
Wednesday 26 October 2022
AWI British
Thursday 20 October 2022
Let's Fight Leipzig!
Following on from my Seelow Heights scenario book, published a couple of years ago, I have decided to go back to one of my first loves in wargaming - Napoleonic.
Always a big fan of large scale battles, especially re-fights of historical actions, I thought that a Napoleonic scenario book would be fun and interesting to do. I took the title from Peter Gilder's articles in Miniature Wargames 4 and 5 (all the way back in 1983!) and it is, I suppose, a kind of homage to him and everything he did for the hobby.
The book itself is very similar in style to my Seelow Heights volume, with a dozen scenarios featuring attractively drawn maps and detailed orders of battle. There is a little background information as well, although I have cut this back compared to Seelow as it is very easy to find detailed material on this battle from such authors as Nafziger and Hofschroer amongst others. I have also included a large number of colour photos of troops in action; below are three of the working snaps I took, prior to having the actual shots taken by a professional who knows what he is doing! I must admit they look pretty nice.
Publication should be around the end of November.
I will let everyone know when it is available, mainly on various Facebook pages and wargaming forums or you can keep checking back on this blog for the latest updates.