Sunday 23 February 2020

A Normandy Village (Part 2)

Here are a couple of slightly larger modules - a house and small barn and a large farmhouse. I tend to have a fair amount of greenery climbing up the walls as it adds a nice bit of colour. I also find that the marshy brown coloured tufts adds a bit of contrast to the bases rather than the usual green.

I am on the way with a church and small war memorial to complete the village, but will try and add a few odds and ends (particularly trees) to make it looked more "lived in". All comments/suggestions welcome as usual.


  1. looks great, maybe a small tree in the corner of the wall

    1. Agree. Trees really make villages come to life. I am making a load on small bases to drop in. That way, I can vary the appearance with a limited number of modules.

  2. Thanks Phil. Much appreciated.

  3. Looking ace! The shrubbery really adds to the well lived in feel.

    1. You need greenery for sure. I also like to dot small trees around a completed village for the same reason.
