Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Bigger is Better - Upgunned Napoleonic French Infantry

My initial idea was to go for Napoleonic infantry units of 24 figures in an attempt to speed up production and get things on the table. Up to a point this was successful, but after a few games I felt that the units, particularly when deployed in attack column, just looked too flimsy. After much gnashing of teeth, I decided to upgrade them to 32s. 

For my Russian army, this was easy as they were already done that way and I had simply removed a base of 8 figures to get them to 24s, intending to consolidate these later into additional units. I never got around to it, so simply returned them to their parent units - no harm done. However having sold my existing French army, and wanting to accelerate replacing it, I settled on 24s as a solution, which turned out not to work for me. 

Upgrading involved painting up an additional 8 fusiliers for the 10 or so existing units and then sticking with this going forward. It was a bit of a pain to do, but I am glad that I made the effort as they now look satisfyingly "chunkier" on the table. I decided not to worry too much about representing the individual company structure with the unit. For one thing 6 doesn't divide into 32 (!!) - previously each 24 figure unit had a four figure base of grenadiers and voltigeurs and two 8 figure "double company" fusilier bases. I really couldn't face either upgrading to 36s, as they had been in the past, or re-basing, so I left the flank companies alone and just added extra fusiliers and re-painted a few company pompoms. Looks fine on the table. 

Secondly the rules I am working on operate on the basis that an infantry unit represents around 1,200 men rather than an individual battalion - between 3 and 8 units (usually 4 or 5) making up a division - the basic manoeuvering element in the game.  OCD it may be, but I am happier with the result and will have to settle for slower growth in the collection.

In addition to upgrading my French infantry units, I also had the beginnings of an Italian division and this will be next.

Was it worth it?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray. I really like the old Foundry figures - full of character.

  2. The effort was well worth it in my opinion, the 32 man unit looks great.

    1. Glad you think so! I agonised over it for while as it does slow things down, but I much prefer the overall result.

  3. They are well worth the effort. Nicely done

    1. Great, thanks Neil. Always a bit of a chore upgrading units rather than doing new ones, but I thought it was worth it (at least after I had finished!)

  4. Very nice indeed…
    The 32 figure battalion does indeed look nice and chunky…
    I’m looking forward to seeing the Italians.

    All the best. Aly

  5. Thanks Aly. Am pleased I did it. Also pleased with the Italians so far too!!
