Monday 12 June 2023

I Blame Bloody Partizan!!


Like many wargamers I am sure, concentrating on one or two projects at a time and bringing them successfully to conclusion is easier said than done. Having several periods competing for painting time and a load of terrain boards and drop on features to make, the last thing I needed was another "bright idea" to complicate my wargaming life even further. Unfortunately I made my usual (and indispensable) visit to the Partizan wargames show, held on 21 May.

As usual, it was a great day out, packed full of excellent games and a chance to chat with lots of people I don't see at any other time. The high point was a superb ACW game put on by Dave Andrews, David Imrie and friends (the bayonets) and that is where the trouble began. I spent much of the day coming back to watch the game unfold and had a great chat with the guys putting it on. One of them gave me a copy of their handout, which included a link to a free set of  ACW rules, written by a chap in the US

Jay's Wargaming Madness (

If you are not familiar with this guys blog, it is well worth a look.

Anyway as a Yorkshireman anything that is free gets my attention and when I got home I ran off a copy of the rules - big mistake! I had watched them in use during the game and they looked to be a lot of fun and quite fast moving. When I read them through I couldn't resist doing the one thing I really shouldn't have - I ordered a couple of boxes of Perry Plastic Confederates and two metal command packs (enough figures for a brigade of 4 regiments) and set to work on yet another fairly large project. 

I am trying to get AWI, Napoleonic and WW2 on the move and already have longer term plans for the Italian and Seven Years Wars and the prospect of buying and painting another 800+ figures for something entirely different is just too silly - what can I say! 

In my defence, here are a few photos of the game that started it all - hopefully it offers some mitigation. If I can also get my arse in gear and start posting on my own blog a bit more regularly, that would also be a good step forward. Anyway, here they are - enjoy:

When I get a unit or two done, I will post a few pics. I hope this isn't another stillborn project that seemed a good idea at the time!


  1. Having seen the photos, it's obvious you had no choice in the manner, good luck!

    1. Haha - you are very understanding. To be fair I have just finished painting the first box of 44 - will I keep it up or fall by the wayside?

  2. It's a drug Steve and we're all addicted!

  3. It's the way of the [wargaming] world Steve. I'm looking at a pile of unpainted 28mm Napoleon in Egypt and Iron Duke 28mm Mutiny mountains as I type... Both bought over 5 years ago...

  4. Yes Ben, the lead piles of shame!!

  5. Steve, that is why I stick to the one. I know it is almost an obsession but I suppose doing different battles enables me to dabble in changes, albeit small. Good luck!

    1. I admire your single-mindedness - I suppose I am just weak willed!
